NetSG guarantees a successful SD-WAN Transition

Ensuring a successful transition to SD-WAN

  • 29.01.2021

When designed correctly, a Software Defined Wide Area Network (SD-WAN) can support growth, agility and transformation – but not all solutions are created equal.

The technological requirements of organisations are changing rapidly. As we come to rely more and more on cloud-based applications, our network requirements have moved beyond what traditional Wide Area Networks can provide. With an ever-increasing appetite for Internet bandwidth, customers are now looking to SD-WAN technologies for a more flexible and secure method of access to Cloud applications for their business. Plus, SD-WAN can offer a number of other benefits such as improved performance, enhanced flexibility and reduced costs. To ensure a successful SD-WAN transition, there are a number of elements aside from the SD-WAN appliance itself that are required to maintain a secure, high performing and reliable network. Without these elements, your SD-WAN implementation could become a costly headache, as opposed to the transformative growth platform you’d hope for. A reputable network provider like NetSG can help make this transition seamless, delivering a solution that’s reliable, secure and fit for purpose. Here are some crucial considerations for a successful SD-WAN rollout:

Grade of internet link

Many businesses make the mistake of assuming a simple residential broadband internet connection will meet their needs when migrating to SD-WAN. This is often not the case. In most cases, businesses should be looking for business grade Fibre services with appropriate performance and availability SLAs in place. The correct internet connection is crucial to delivering consistent application performance for your SD-WAN, particularly as organisations move to cloud-based voice and video applications. Don’t assume all the internet services on the market are equal, despite what providers may advertise. What’s happening behind the scenes can vary significantly, not only between providers but also between the products they offer. Introducing the right type of internet service from the outset can help to deliver a high performing and scalable network that meets your business needs, both now and in the future.

Security of your network

Network security should remain top priority for organisations large and small. Your MPLS private network would likely be built with inherent security, centralised internet connectivity and enterprise grade next-generation firewalls, providing suitable protection against cyber attacks. On the other hand, SD-WAN relies on direct internet access from the branch, which is more complex to secure. Often, we see companies make the mistake of selecting a solution that prioritises SD-WAN capabilities over security. Foregoing your  investment in Next Generation Firewalls as part of the SD-WAN transition is another major mistake, as it can compromise your overall network security posture, causing issues that could otherwise be avoided.

Support and management

Unlike traditional WAN networks, which tend to be managed end-to-end by their service provider, customers often attempt to manage their SD-WAN solutions in-house by purchasing un-managed Internet services from various ISP’s. This decision to move from a single party who is responsible for their network to many individual parties, each managing different components of the overall network can, and often does, create a number of complications. When an issue arises, organisations can be left to fend for themselves in determining which of their issues relate to which of the ISPs or vendors. Many organisations find themselves struggling to rectify faults in remote locations or outside of business hours. The additional time it takes to determine who is responsible and whose responsibility it is to resolve can be painful and expensive for IT and users.

NetSG: your partners in end-to-end connectivity

Selecting the right Internet services, network architecture and technology is crucial when it comes to rolling out a successful SD-WAN solution. A reputable network provider like NetSG can help you achieve this, providing a highly secure and robust end-to-end SD-WAN solution that surpasses your connectivity needs. You’ll also have a team of expert network engineers to manage the design, implementation and migration, ensuring you enjoy the most seamless transition possible.


Looking to move to SD-WAN? NetSG can help you realise the benefits of SD-WAN while maintaining visibility, security and control. We’ll tailor your solution to your organisation’s specific needs so you can get the results you’re looking for. Contact the friendly team at NetSG today to learn more. 


  • High performance, SD-WAN ready Internet services

    Operating our own Australia and New Zealand Internet backbone allows us to provide MPLS-grade performance and availability guarantees for your SD-WAN with your sensitive applications such as VoIP. It also provides access to popular cloud platforms carried on our network, end-to-end. In addition, with access to over 15 carriers for last mile Fibre and nbn™ we can provide highly competitive connectivity anywhere.

  • A more secure network

    At NetSG, our managed SD-WAN solution is based on market leading FORTINET® Secure Branch technology, ensuring your organisation is protected from the start.

  • Support you can trust

    When you opt for a fully-managed Secure SD-WAN solution with NetSG, you’ll only deal with one provider, eliminating all the hassle. You can also enjoy peace of mind, knowing you have a dedicated team of experts on call, year-round, to support you.

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